Symptoms are:
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Sore Throat
- Headache
- Muscle Aches
- Fatigue
- Fever and chills
Sounds kinda basic doesn't it? Well, let me tell you there is nothing basic about the symptoms listed above! The cough, OMG! The cough was so congested, painful and felt like my lungs were on fire. Thick, nasty, yellow mucus that would fight you from bringing it up. At one point, I was choking and had to have hubby pound on my back. I had small broken blood vessels in my eyes, on my face and in my scalp. In turn felt like a million little brusies. When I would cough, the burning pain throughout my chest and almost electric shock like. I hated to cough and tried to avoid it as best I could but that was a losing battle. On top of it all, it left me very short of breath with very minimal exertion. Like, getting up and walking to the bathroom like I smoked 10 packs a day. I had to sleep in my recliner for a few nights because I couldn't lay down. And of course, I couldn't sleep alone in my recliner without the beagles.
My throat was so raw. I would have swore I just drank acid. That burning felt like it was connected to my lungs. I could not get enough cold drinks, ice cream or ice. Ice cream I didn't mind so much.
Fatigue, muscle aches and headache was more exaggerated than what I normally have. That just felt like a flair. The fever and chills on the other hand, I knew I was sick when I was under 3 blankets with sweatshirt, long pants and socks. I am ALWAYS hot! Then once the ibuprofen kicked in I was sweating like mad.
Here it is 2 weeks after the fact and the pain in my throat and lungs are gone. My endurance is better, not 100%, but getting there. The cough is flemy but nothing like it was before. I can see how people can die from the flu. The pain, choking, it developing into pneumonia, how easy you could become dehydrated and malnurished. I'm pretty sure having Fibro really made the symptoms worse. Cuz, why wouldn't it. Fibro is spiteful that way!
You may be wondering why I didn't get a flu shot. Well, I was advised from my doctor that since we don't know exactly what autoimmune/demylenating disease I have that the flu shot can make things worse. So lucky me! However, if you are able to get the flu shot, GET IT! GET IT NOW! Insurance pays for them and some pharmacy has them for a reasonable cost.
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