Coming up next:

My first trip to a dispensary. Guess what? It's not what you see on tv!
Stay tuned!

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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Darn you Discoid Lupus!! Darn you!!

About a month ago my Discoid Lupus flared up...

Doesn't really itch, just hurts. Kinda like a sunburn. Very irritated, raw feeling at times. Had a round of steroids and it cleared up nicely.

So now, a month later, it's attacking the front of my neck!

Looks horrible! Looks like terrible hickeys lol Trust me, they are not lol. Guess I'm calling the doc again tomorrow. I will say that I would rather have them on my neck and arms than on my face! Lovely Discoid Lupus!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am not a fan of these pictures but your blog looks great! Keep it up. I linked you to my blog so people can go from mine to yours. Love you, see you soon cuz!

  3. Not a fan of the lupus either!! Love ya!
