Coming up next:

My first trip to a dispensary. Guess what? It's not what you see on tv!
Stay tuned!

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Friday, November 1, 2013

Great app to track chronic pain!

I love apps!! I have found that when I am at the doctors, I have a difficult time explaining my symptoms, pain and the bad days. I found this really neat app called Chronic Pain Tracker . The "lite" version is free but of coarse the full version is $9.99. I can type in what I am feeling, type of pain, location, what the weather is like outside, how I slept, depression, etc...
It also gives great reports that you can take to the doctors with you.

Very colorful. Easy to add descriptions. Track "as needed" medications. Color in where the pain is.

   Also has a "general comment" section that you can type in anything you want. You choose what you want in your diary. If you do not have depression, you don't have to add it.

You can even generate PDF and HTML summaries to take to your doctor too. You can choose, 1 day, last week, 2 weeks, 4 get the picture.
I really like it. Takes a minute to figure how to navigate but love the features...and I only have the "lite" version.
Have a good day!!

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