I am a homebody. Hermit. Introvert. Recluse. You get the point. I prefer being at home, in a quiet, dim room with all my necessities (iPad, laptop, phone, tv remote) within arms reach. As I had said before in my other posts, it is EXHAUSTING getting ready to go somewhere.
Here is an example of my planning for which I hope you can relate:
- When are we leaving?
- Let the planning begin!!
- If I have to take a shower, I need at least 2 hours so I can rest between showering, then rest, getting dressed, then rest, blow dry hair, then rest.
- How long will we be?
- Fatigue plays a big part.
- Not to mention the pain.
- Again, the FATIGUE!
- How long is the drive?
- Being in the car too long is also plays on the fatigue.
- Sitting in the passenger seat for too long plays on the pain.
- What should I wear?
- Can't be heavy clothing and can't be light clothing.
- Layers preferably.
- Socks optional.
- What is the temperature outside?
- Can't go if it's too hot (fatigue, Uhthoff's, general yuckiness, short fused).
- Can't go if it's too cold (pain worsens, Raynauds flairs, Livedo Reticularis increases).
I couldn't help it lol - Should I grab my meds for my next dose?
- Refer to #2. This should really be a given.
- Is there going to be a place that I can lay down?
- Seriously, I do think about this. Because when the fatigue hits, I must lay down!
- How many people are going to be there?
- A large crowd talking, crawls under my skin.
- Makes me physically ache.
- Makes me short fused, annoyed to where I just want to yell "OMG shut up!!!".
- Conversing fatigues me.
- Makes me mix up words with other words.
- Makes me flustered (Thanks Sis for the suggestion)
- Makes me forget what the hell I was saying.
- Makes me feel like running out of the room. Well, If I could run lol
- Loud music playing?
- Refer to #7 2-5....same feeling
- Who is going to be there?
- I find that since I have been sick, the"bite my tongue filter" is gone. So, with certain people, I just say what I think and don't really care. So now, I tend to avoid those certain people.
Of course, these are some examples because I am sure that I am forgetting something.
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